- Nariman Habili, Ernest Kwan, Weihao Li, Christfried Webers, Jeremy Oorloff, Mohammad Ali Armin, Lars Petersson (2023). A Hyperspectral and RGB Dataset for Building Façade Segmentation. In: Karlinsky, L., Michaeli, T., Nishino, K. (eds) Computer Vision – ECCV 2022 Workshops. ECCV 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13807. Springer, Cham.
- Y. Zhang, C. Huynh, N. Habili, K. N. Ngan, Material segmentation in hyperspectral images with minimal region perimeters, In Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Phoenix, Arizona, September 2016.
- N. Habili and J. Oorloff, Scyllarus: From Research to Commercial Software, In Proceedings of the ASWEC 2015 24th Australasian Software Engineering Conference, Adelaide, Australia, pp 119-122, September 2015.
- C. Huynh and A. Robles-Kelly, A Comparative Evaluation of Spectral Reflectance Representations for Spectrum Reconstruction, Interpolation and Classification, In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Workshop on Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum, 2013.
- A. Sohaib, N. Habili and A. Robles-Kelly, Automatic Exposure Control for Multispectral Cameras, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, To Appear, 2013.
- S. Rahman and A. Robles-Kelly, A Method for Estimating Light Direction Shpe and Reflection Parameters from a Single Image, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, To Appear, 2013.
- E. Bonilla and A. Robles-Kelly, Discriminative Probabilistic Prototype Learning, In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Machine learning, 2012.
- C. Huynh and A. Robles-Kelly, Illuminant Segmentation in Non-uniformly Lit Scenes, In Proceedings of the Int Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2012.
- L. Gu and A. Robles-Kelly, Shadow Detection via Rayleigh Scattering and Mie Theory, In Proceedings of the Int Conference on Pattern Recognition ( Awarded a Best Student Paper Prize) , 2012.
- B. Masschelein, A. Robles-Kelly, C. Blanch, K. Tack, B. Simpson-Young and A. Lambrechts, Towards a Colony Counting System Using Hyperspectral Imaging, In SPIE Photonics West, 2012.
- L. Gu, C. P. Huynh, A. Robles-Kelly and J. Zhou, Material-Specific User Colour Profiles from Imaging Spectroscopy Data, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2011.
- A. Robles-Kelly, Learning a Gaussian Basis for Spectra Representation Aimed at Reflectance Classification, In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Workshop on Object Tracking and Classification Beyond the Visible Spectrum, pages 88-95, 2011.
- C. Huynh, A. Robles-Kelly and E. Hancock Shape and Refractive Index Recovery from Single-View Polarisation Images, In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2010.
©IEEE 2010
- S. Jia, Y. Qian, J. Zhou and A. Robles-Kelly, L1/2 Sparsity Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing, In Digital Image Computing Techniques and Applications, 2010.
- C. P. Huynh and A. Robles-Kelly, A Probabilistic Approach to Spectral Unmixing, In Proceedings of the 13th Int Workshop on Structural and Syntactical Pattern Recognition (S+SSPR 2010), pages 344-353, 2010.
- C. P. Huynh, A. Robles-Kelly and E. R. Hancock, Robust Shape from Polarisation and Shading, In Proceedings of the Int Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2010.
- C. P. Huynh and A. Robles-Kelly, Hyperspectral Imaging for Skin Recognition and Biometrics, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2010.
- M. Hasan, A. Robles-Kelly, J. Zhou, X. Jia and M. Pickering, Regisration of Hyperspectral and Trichromatic Images via Cross Cumulative Residual Entropy Maximisation, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2010.
- C. P. Huynh and A. Robles-Kelly, Simultaneous Photometric Invariance And Shape Recovery, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2009.
©IEEE 2009
- Z. Fu and A. Robles-Kelly, An Instance Selection Approach to Multiple Instance Learning, In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009.
©IEEE 2009
- P. Khuwuthyakorn, A. Robles-Kelly and J. Zhou, An affine Invariant Hyperspectral Texture Descriptor Based Upon Heavy-tailed Distributions and Fourier Analysis, In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Workshop on Object Tracking and Classification Beyond the Visible Spectrum ( Awarded the Best Paper Prize), 2009.
©IEEE 2009
- C. P. Huynh and A. Robles-Kelly, A NURBS-Based Spectral Reflectance Descriptor with Applications in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008.
©IEEE 2008
- Z. Fu and A. Robles-Kelly. A Fast Hierarchical Approach to Image Segmentation, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2008.
- S. Prakash and A. Robles-Kelly. A Semisupervised Approach to Space Carving, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2008.
- Z. Fu and A. Robles-Kelly. Fast Multiple Instance Learning Via L_{1, 2} Logistic Regression, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2008.
- C. P. Huynh and A. Robles-Kelly. Optimal Solution of the Dichromatic Model for Multispectral Photometric Invariance, In Joint IAPR International Workshops on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition (SSPR) and Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition (SPR), 2008.
- Z. Fu and A. Robles-Kelly, Learning Object Material Categories via Pairwise Discriminant Analysis, In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Workshop on Object Tracking and Classification Beyond the Visible Spectrum, 2007.
©IEEE 2007
- F. F. Lu, Z. Fu and A. Robles-Kelly, Efficient Graph Cuts for Multiclass Interactive Image Segmentation, In Asian Conf. on Computer Vision, pages 134-144, 2007.
- C. P. Huynh and A. Robles-Kelly, Comparative Colorimetric Simulation and Evaluation of Digital Cameras Using Spectroscopy Data, In Digital Image Computing Techniques and Applications, pages 309 – 316, 2007.
- Z. Fu and A. Robles-Kelly, Convex Optimisation for Multiclass Image Labeling, In Digital Image Computing Techniques and Applications, pages 438 – 445, 2007.
- Z. Fu, A. Robles-Kelly, R. Tan and T. Caelli, Invariant Object Material Identification via Discriminant Learning on Absorption Features, In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Workshop on Object Tracking and Classification Beyond the Visible Spectrum, 2006.
©IEEE 2006
- Z. Fu, T. Caelli, N. Liu and A. Robles-Kelly, Boosted Band Ratio Feature Selection for Hyperspectral Image Classification, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pages I:1059-1062, 2006.
©IEEE 2006
- A. Robles-Kelly and C. Huynh, Imaging Spectroscopy for Scene Analysis, ISBN-13: 978-1447146513, Series: Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Springer, In press, 2013.
Book Chapters
- P. Khuwuthyakorn, A. Robles-Kelly and J. Zhou, Affine Invariant Hyperspectral Image Descriptors Based Upon Harmonic Analysis, In Machine Vision Beyond the Visible Spectrum, Series: Augmented Vision and Reality, Vol. 1, Part 3, Springer, pages 179-199, 2011.
- C. P. Huynh and A. Robles-Kelly, Shape and Photometric Invariants Recovery from Polarisation Images, WO/2011/130793, 2011.
- C. P. Huynh and A. Robles-Kelly, Illumination spectrum recovery, WO/2011/026167, 2011.
- C. P. Huynh and A. Robles-Kelly, Estimating Reflectance Model Parameters From an Image,WO/2011/026168, 2011.
- C. P. Huynh and A. Robles-Kelly, Compact Representation of a Reflectance Spectrum, WO/2009/152583, 2009.
- L. Gu, A. Robles-Kelly and J. Zhou, Efficient Estimation of Reflectance Parameters from Imaging Spectroscopy. In IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, In Press, 2013.
©2013 IEEE
- S. Rahman and A. Robles-Kelly, An Optimisation Approach to the Recovery of Reflection Parameters from a Single Hyperspectral Image. In Computer Vision and Image Understanding, In Press, 2013.
©2013 Elsevier
- C. P. Huynh, A. Robles-Kelly and E. R. Hancock, Shape and Refractive Index from Single-View Spectro-Polarimetric Images. In International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 101(1),: 64-94, 2013.
©2012 Elsevier
- Z. Fu, A. Robles-Kelly and J. Zhou, MILIS: Multiple Instance Learning with Instance Selection. In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Vol. 33(5), 958-977, 2011.
©2011 IEEE
- H. Zhao, A. Robles-Kelly, J. Zhou, J. Lu and J. Y. Yang, Graph Attribute Embedding via Riemannian Submersion Learning. In Computer Vision and Image Understanding In Press, 2011.
©2011 Elsevier
- Y. Qian, S. Jia, J. Zhou and A. Robles-Kelly, Hyperspectral Unmixing Via L1/2 Sparsity-constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. In IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, In Press, 2011.
©2011 IEEE
- Z. Fu and A. Robles-Kelly, Discriminant Absorption Feature Learning for Material Classification. In IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol 49(5), 1536 – 1556 , 2011.
©2011 IEEE
- C. P. Huynh and A. Robles-Kelly, A Solution of the Dichromatic Model for Multispectral Photometric Invariance. In International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 40(1), 1-27, 2010.
©2010 Springer
- Z. Fu and A. Robles-Kelly, A quadratic programming approach to image labelling. In IET Computer Vision, Vol. 2(4), 193-207, 2008.
©2008 IEEE
- Z. Fu, A. Robles-Kelly, T. Caelli and R. Tan, On Automatic Absorption Detection for Imaging Spectroscopy: A Comparative Study. In IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 45(11-2), 3827-3844, 2007.
©2007 IEEE
- S. Prakash, P. Y. Lee and A. Robles-Kelly, Stereo Techniques for 3D mapping of Object Surface Temperatures. In Quantitative InfraRed Thermography, Vol. 4(1), 63-84, 2007.
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