The Scyllarus C++ API is available to developers looking to integrate highly optimised and state of the art Hyperspectral image processing into their own application. If you want to see the Scyllarus API in action, download the Scyven viewer – it’s powered by Scyllarus.

MATLAB® Toolbox
For Researchers, the Scyllarus MATLAB® toolbox provides access to a wealth of image processing functions that can be used on Hyperspectral images to recover various properties and perform analysis. The toolbox can be used to load images in the HSZ data format in MATLAB® to be processed for a variety of applications.

The all new version of our viewing and analysis tool ‘Scyven’ (Scyllarus Visualisation Environment) allows you to inspect Hyperspectral images, and analyse images to discover information that is present within the image. With one click, you can perform clustering, classification and more! Scyven is free to use.