arma::umat | scyl::select_smooth_patches (const arma::fcube &I, arma::umat &patches, arma::fmat &light_estimation_mask, arma::fmat &contrast_mask, arma::fmat &highlight_mask, int patch_size=20, int num_patches=50, int debug=0) |
| select_smooth_patches() returns a list of the first num_patches smooth patches it finds while inspecting input image I. More...
int | scyl::patch_dichromatic_decompose (const arma::fcube &patch, const arma::fmat &illuminant, arma::fmat &g_out, arma::fmat &k_out, arma::fvec &s_out, float &dichromatic_error, float &smooth_error, float alpha=50, int debug=0) |
| patch_dichromatic_decompose() looks at a image patch and determines if the patch is suitable for use in calculating the greater image illuminant. More...
arma::fvec | scyl::recover_global_illuminant (const arma::fcube &I, scyl::ILLUMINANT_METHOD method=scyl::ILLUMINANT_HRK, scyl::illuminant_options op=scyl::illuminant_options()) |
| recover_global_illuminant() takes an input image I and determines the illuminant. More...
arma::fvec | scyl::recover_illuminant_HRK (const arma::fcube &I, arma::umat &patches, float alpha, int patch_size, bool filtered_already=false, bool fast_50=true, int debug=0) |
| recover_illuminant_HRK() takes an input image I and determines the illuminant. More...
arma::fvec | scyl::recover_illuminant_FS (const arma::fcube &I, arma::umat &patches, int patch_size=20, bool filtered_already=false, int debug=0) |
| recover_illuminant_FS() takes an input image I and determines the illuminant. More...
arma::fvec | scyl::recover_illuminant_GE (const arma::fcube &I, int order=1, int debug=0) |
| recover_illuminant_GE() takes an input image I and determines the illuminant. More...
arma::fvec | scyl::recover_illuminant_GW (const arma::fcube &I, int debug=0) |
| recover_illuminant_GW() takes an input image I and determines the illuminant. More...
arma::fvec | scyl::recover_illuminant_SG (const arma::fcube &I, int order=2, int debug=0) |
| recover_illuminant_SG() takes an input image I and determines the illuminant. More...
arma::fvec | scyl::recover_illuminant_WP (const arma::fcube &I, int debug=0) |
| recover_illuminant_WP() takes an input image I and determines the illuminant. More...